10 June 2013


We had a pretty cool storm Friday I was very happy we don't have enough storms in my opinion lol

I can't wait for the next one.....

10 February 2013

Slacker I am lol

So I haven't been posting I know not that anyone reads this anyways lol I have recently started a job so my time has been limited but I have been taking a few pics here and there. I really like my job it is fun and there is always something that needs to be done I hate jobs where you do your work and then sit around twiddling your thumbs or trying to find something to do. However between my job my kids my hubby and the house work it doesn't leave a lot of time for anything else...I'm sure as I get into a nice routine with everything I will figure out how to make time for other things. I did my house cleaning and laundry this morning I'm making lunch now for myself and the rug rats so I have a quick min to type this up hahaha so here is a few pics I have taken recently hahaha more like the last few weeks!!